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Welcome to BrutGaming, a text-based roleplay community on RageMP! Whether you're new to roleplay or an experienced player, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know to get started in our immersive world.

✅ Obtaining Rage & Connect to BrutGaming
Before you can join the fun it all begins with RageMP.

  1. Go to https://rage.mp/
  2. Download RageMP Client and follow the install.
  3. Open RageMP and search for BrutGaming in the server list.
  4. Or use direct connect pressing the button next to the "R" logo.
    You will be prompted to enter server IP and Port, use following:


  5. Additionaly, you can rightclick on our server name and add it to your favorites, easier to connect next time!

Important: The first time you connect to the server it will download our resources, this might take some time the first time. After it's been downloaded successfully; the next time you connect to our server it will connect much faster.


📌 Creating an Account & Logging In

Before you can play, you need to create an account. Here's how:

  1. Register by entering a Username and Password.
  2. Your password is encrypted and not visible to anyone, ensuring your security.
  3. Once registered, use your credentials to log in.
  4. After logging in, you'll be prompted to create a character.

👤 Creating Your Character

Your character is your identity in the world of BrutGaming. You'll be required to set up the following:

1️⃣ Basic Information

  • Gender: Male or Female
  • Date of Birth: Format (DD.MM.YYYY)
  • First & Last Name: Must be unique. Click the button to check availability.
  • Spawn Method:
    • Legal Arrival: Enter the city via taxi, arriving at City Hall with official documents.
    • Illegal Arrival: Enter the city by boat, arriving at the docks with a fake passport.

2️⃣ Appearance Customization

  • Genetics: Adjust your face structure and features.
  • Hair & Face: Choose hairstyle, facial hair, skin details, etc.
  • Clothing: Select your starting outfit.
  • Basic Profile Questions: Enter details like height, education, and more.

Once your character is set up, you're ready to enter Los Santos! 🚀

🏛️ Getting Started in the City

🎟️ First Steps After Spawning

  • If you spawn at City Hall, speak to the receptionist to:
    ✔️ Apply for a job.
    ✔️ Apply for unemployment benefits.
    ✔️ Register and manage vehicles.

  • If you spawn at the docks, you'll need to find work on your own to get started, you may also apply for a job at city hall using your fake passport.

💼 Jobs & Factions

  • You can find jobs by visiting job blips on the map, you are required to apply for that job at city hall or you cannot use them.
  • Factions & Companies: Each faction or company has its own application process. Some require applications via forums, in-game, or through SocialFace.
  • Gangs: You cannot apply to join gangs. All gang recruitment is done in-character.

📊 Managing Your Character - F2 Menu

Press F2 to access important in-game menus:
✔️ General Info (Character details, vehicles, paycheck status).
✔️ Control Group/Faction (If you're part of one).
✔️ Job Information (See how to do your job, shows which blips accord to your job).
✔️ Manage Houses & Businesses (Only while standing inside the marker of your property).

🚗 Vehicles & Transportation

Buying Vehicles

  • Vehicles can be purchased at different dealerships based on their type.
  • Payments can be made via cash or debit card.
  • You can create a debit card at any bank (🏦 Bill Icon on the map).

Banking & Debit Cards

  • Multiple debit cards can be owned and shared via partner cards.
  • Set a default card to pay for purchases and receive paychecks.

Rentals & Parking

  • Scooter Rentals available at City Hall (🏛️). Return it for a $50 refund.
  • Purchased vehicles remain where you last left them.
  • You can park in public garages or personal house garages if available, otherwise they will remain on the map, see above.

Vehicle Maintenance

  • MOT Inspections required when expired (performed at mechanic shops 🛠️).
  • Tuning & Repairs are done by mechanics.
  • Repair Kits can be bought at stores.
  • Fueling Vehicles requires paying inside the shopleaving without paying notifies law enforcement.

🏠 Properties & Businesses

  • Buying a House or Business: Can be done through real estate or players selling properties.
  • Managing Properties: Must stand inside the marker of the property and use F2 Menu.

🌎 Roleplay & General Information

  • Gang Territories are NOT on the map – find out in character.

  • Tickets & Reports:

    • Create in-game tickets via F2 or submit tickets on UCP.
    • Report players using /report.
  • Rules & Server Features:

    • Many more features exist! Discover them in-game or by reading server changelogs.
    • General keys and commands are available in the F2 menu.

🔐 Account & Security

  • Your in-game account is separate from the forums.
  • You can link your game account to your forum account via UCP.
  • Changing Username/Password: Done through UCP.
  • Inactive Accounts: If you're inactive for a while, you can mark yourself inactive to prevent asset removal.

📢 Community & Support

  • Join forum discussions & Discord to stay connected with the community.
  • More guides and help topics can be found on the forums.
  • Server Regulations: Available at docs.brutgaming.com.

👮 Staff Applications

Want to join the staff team? Apply here:
📌  Staff Application Form 

🚨 Requirement: Minimum 25 hours of playtime before applying. Applications with less time will be instantly denied.

⚠️ Staff Recruitment - Seeking Faction Leaders

We are currently looking for faction leaders! If you're interested in leading a faction, contact Upper Administration Team (UAT).

(This section will be removed once faction leaders are found.)

🚀 Now you're all set to start your journey in BrutGaming! Enjoy your time and happy roleplaying! 🎭

- BrutGaming Community.

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