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Staff Application

Please fill out form with the truth and nothing but the truth.

Creating a application when our hiring state is closed your application will be on hold until we open our applications and yours will be reviewed then.

You are not able to apply for a particular rank within our administration, you always apply for Moderator when filling in this form.

Development, Mapping or Vehicle team has a different application form.

Note: You require a minimum of 25 hours played on your account, you can view current hours in F2 or UCP.
Please refrain from applying when you have less than 25 hours, your application will be denied immediately.

  • The name you use in-game.

  • Your real date of birth.

  • Our staff members are required to be on our discord, please provide your Discord username.

  • Since our server allows all countries and timezones, please state yours.
    We tend to have staff members online at all times.

  • In which country do you currently live in?

  • What languages do you speak?

  • Provide an estimate (e.g., weeks/months/years)

  • List servers and roles

  • Select all that apply
    (CTRL to choose multiple)

  • Provide all known character names

  • Rate yourself

  • List previous staff roles and responsibilities

  • Describe any moderation tasks performed

  • Explain in detail

  • Explain it detail.

  • If yes, explain the circumstances.

    Your admin history will be checked upon sending this application.

    A record with recent and major punishments will be denied immediately.

  • May be left blank.

  • Eg; Lazy, not good at handling stressful situations

  • By submitting this application, I acknowledge that I am willing to follow all server rules, staff protocols, and uphold fair judgment while enforcing roleplay integrity. I understand that my position as a staff member can be revoked at any time if I fail to meet the expected standards.

  • If there anything you would like to add to your applications that hasn't been stated above?

  • Create New...